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    Study Tips

    To pass her test:

    1)Keep up with your reading.

    2) Dont put off studying until the night before. These chapters are freaking long and there is no way you can do 3 or 4 of them at one time.

    3)Pace yourself, mulitiple choice tests are timed.

    4) Don't focus on superficial things such as military battles or dates. Her test arn't about trvia, but about connecting things and forming conclusions - with specific facts.

    5) As you read along, think about the big picture. You will be tested on your ability to form conclusions and to compare and contrast. So look at facts as connected interwined bits.

    6) study in a group. It more fun, it realy helps and your get extra credit for it!

    7) Take notes, even if its not required. You need to review the material without having to read it all over.

    8) DO EXTRA CREDIT!!! Trust us, when you get the scores back, you'll recgnize the importance of extra credit.

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